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Board of Finance Minutes 2/2/2010
February 2, 2010 at 7:30 P.M.
Town Hall Conference Room
302 Main Street

CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:32 P.M.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  Lee Sparaco                     
George Whelen                           
Grant Westerson                         
David LaMay                             
Barry O’Nell
John O’Brien

In Attendance
Michael Pace, First Selectman
Michael Spera, Chief of Police
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Brad Thorpe, Co-chair, Budget & Fiscal Committee, BOE




The minutes from January 5 and 19 are being prepared.


It was noted that some surrounding towns were coming in with budget estimates. Comments were made that when looking at other town’s numbers, we have to be sure we are comparing apples to apples.

Mr. Pace noted that he is hoping to come in a close to a zero percent increase as possible while honoring contracts. A change in the way the fire department pension formula is calculated will result in an additional 20k over two years.

Health insurance is, at the moment, at a 12% increase. That increase will be reflected in the submitted budget.  MP is hoping to lower that increase. He is in talks with three unions re: new contracts. The Police Dept budget stands at a 1.27% increase.

Don Lucas may want to return to just working in Building and give up his WPCA role. That may transfer some monies back over to the WPCA for a coordinator. Mr. Pace has run numbers going out 3-4 years for WPCA sewer avoidance project. The State indicates that 10 million is secured for phase I.

Mr. Pace continued to warn the B of F about the hole the State is in with billion dollar deficits for several years. This obviously could effect the Town’s revenue. The good news is that the B of E only receives about 13% (about 600k) of its money from the state. He reported that he has met with several developers lately and is hopeful about some new revenue sources a few years down the road. O.S. is on the radar screen of developers, said Mr. Pace.


The Superintendent’s budget reflects a 4.8% (about 1 million in new money) increase which reflects a decrease of 2 staff and 118k in other as yet unidentified reductions. 4.3% of said increase is salaries and benefits. The B of E seeks some guidance from the B of F. A joint meeting is scheduled for 2-23-10 at B of E offices. Ms. Pendleton reported that there should be 1-3 retirements. On the bright side, Mr. Pendleton was optimistic about budgets starting in 2011-2012 f.y. because several major contracts should be negotiated at lower raises. In response to Mr. Whelen, Mr. Pendleton indicated that this year’s budget is “frozen and paralyzed” in order to finish in the black. The Education Foundation cannot really help as it raises only about 20k a year.

        A discussion ensued about union “givebacks” and how that has occurred in several school districts already this year. The Chair noted that this might be a good time to mention this idea to the O.S. teachers. Mr. Pendleton indicated that 2 furlogh days would result in a savings of about 150k. A further discussion about District Reference Groups occurred which noted how well O.S. does in its DRG.

With regard to the First Public hearing on the budget, Mr. Fortuna said he favored an earlier date. The B of F tentatively agreed on the March 16, 2010.

Continuing on Budget issues, the Chief of Police mentioned a ceremony recently which honored several officers. Mr. LaMay congratulated the Chief on a successful meeting with Motorola concerning the new communications system (testing to be completed in spring).The Chief also hoped that he would be able to bring in some additional revenue at some point, either on the communications tower and some other source.


There was additional discussion re: Revenues. The Board did request Mr. Fish get the Board a revenue estimate sooner rather than later. Mr. Fish went through the monthly report noting that he doubts the Town could finish with a surplus this year.

A discussion concerning the auditors left the Board with the consensus that the contract should be put out to bid for the next 3 year term. It was agreed to get a list of auditors from CCM. The Chair agreed to contact Ron Nossek  of Kosten Ruffkess and ask him what he would charge for the next 3 years.

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:45 p.m.

Moved:  C. Fortuna                           Second: G. Whelen

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; S. Whelen; ; D. LaMay; G. Westerson, J. O’Brien, B. O’Nell

Respectfully Submitted,

Carl Fortuna, Jr.